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Meet Our Core Team!
Team Bio
Nina Billue, President

Nina Billue is a native of Syracuse New York, where she resided up until she migrated to  Columbus Ohio area in 1996. She confessed Christ at 8 years old and began living a Saved and Sanctified  life in 1992 and continuing today. She was blessed to adopt two wonderful son’s (Steven and Halo) who she loves to life.


She has spoken at several “Woman Conferences” throughout the Columbus Ohio area and in the Syracuse New York area. She received a 3 year Certificate in Biblical Studies and a 2000 graduate of the Sunbury Road Bible Institute where she studied: Systematic Theology, Old and New Testament Survey. She also received an Associate Degree from Franklin University in 2006 in Business Administration.


She is a member at New Birth Christian Ministries in Columbus and one of the Founders and The Leader of their Evangelism Ministry called “S.W.A.T” Soul Winning Assurance Team” which was established in 2008. Her pulpit is normally in the streets to those who are lost and have not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Not trying to get them to go to church but to get them in the Kingdom and establish a relationship with Christ. Whether they are a Drug Dealer/addict, Gang Banger, no matter the Race and/or their belief. She is able to meet them where they are and share the gospel with confidence, because of her life experience, relationship with Christ and being transparent. If they don’t receive her, she shakes the dust from her feet and keeps it moving.  This is something she teaches others as well, who struggle with sharing their faith.  She is a Prayer Warrior/Intercessor, Servant and Labor wherever needed. She believes in giving back to the community by volunteering for many different charitable events. She has also been a Foster Mom for over 20 years and teaches each one of her children about Jesus Christ. 


She is often known by her Praise and Worship unto God and referred to by many as Real, Radical Praiser and Sister Hallelujah!  Her favorite words are “ Praise The Lord” and favorite scripture is Psalms 119:11 “Thy word I have hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee”  She believes true conversion/deliverance can only come by the word of God. She is a consecrated vessel commissioned by God and believes strongly in practicing what she preaches with boldness.  She loves her God, Church, and Family. Her passion is to evangelize to the lost. 

Marzella Collier, Secretary

Marzella Collier is a wife and a mother of four sons. She became saved as a teenager, although her first spiritual work didn’t come until some years later when God strategically placed her in the Columbus City School district where she was able to guide and influence children. She became instrumental in teaching reading skills and effectively teaching the students basic Christian fundamentals building block skills through showing them the fruit of the spirit such as love, patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control. She then continued her ministry when she became a member at Divine Refuge Church of Christ.  She started with the spiritual gift of being an Usher, which taught her to become a spiritual ambassador for Christ. Learning the skill of hospitality, serving God’s people with humility while welcoming members and guest in the house of the Lord.  


In 2009 as a member of New Birth Christian Ministries she joined the street evangelism ministry S.W.A.T.  (Soul Winning Assurance Team), Where she would go forth into the streets, homeless camps, and shelters to spread the gospel through words and action, leading people to salvation.  Through this evangelistic ministry, she has learned to help others with their walk with Christ. To spread or proclaim the gospel by public or personal witness. She has moved up in rank to become second in command, as well as having administrative responsibilities.  And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news! (Rom. 10:15)


Marzella has also enjoyed working alongside of her husband of 22 years with a marriage ministry of helping other couples. Teaching couples to have a closer and intimate relationship with God as well as their mates. Educating couples with the biblical understanding of God’s purpose for marriage. Guiding them on how to maintain a solid Godly relationship as well as how to strengthen their communication with each other, finally equipping couples on dealing with blended family situations. Though one maybe overpowered two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken (Ecc. 4:12)

Thomas Barnett, Sr. , Spiritual Advisor

I was born in Cave Spring, Georgia on February 28th, 1940. There were eleven children in our family, eight boys and three girls. I am the seventh son. I lived and worked on a farm owned by my parents. Because of my parents raising us on a farm. I learned how to survive through my determination to do what was necessary as a survival kit.

 I learned how to accept the struggles of life at a very early age. At the age of 16 years old I moved to Cleveland, Ohio to live with my sister. After a short period of time I moved to Columbus, Ohio and have lived in Columbus for over 40 years.  I own and operate a business specializing in Restoration, Carpentry, Remodeling and Home Improvement and have been in business for 62 years now. These are a few gifts that God saw fit to give to me. As growing up I had little schooling and dropped out once promoted to the seventh grade.  However, as God led me I followed His lead and He taught me what I needed to know. I also learned to lean and depend on God since He supplies all of my needs. Psalms 37:4 has taught me to delight myself in the Lord and He surely gave me the desires of my heart.

 I serve as Chairman of the Deacon Board at my church. More than all the other gifts that has been compiled in my ability I was called and born to serve. I was inspired to write poetry after my mother's death. During her long illness I was privileged to share in her care. It gave me great joy; Her strength, love and joy in the Lord will always be with me. When I wake up that is when my mother show up.  Some of my poems were inspired by friends and relatives and events that occurred in their lives. I credit all of my accomplishments to God, for being the substance of my life and giving me the will to press toward the mark of the high calling, which is in Christ Jesus.

Yolanda Ecklin, Vice President & Treasurer

Yolanda Ecklin, a native of Pittsburgh, PA,  is an Ordained Licensed Minister from New Birth Christian Ministries and a Chaplain at Franklin Medical Center in the state of Ohio. She currently serves in different roles within her local church and community. She was the Chairperson to lead and organize New Birth’s first Tent Revival along with putting together a strategic team to assist her in creating a diverse and unified platform for the Word of God to be proclaimed. This revival was a three-day long move of God which resulted in souls being saved, delivered and restored. She is instrumental in building curriculums for Training Ministry Leaders from scratch, assisting them with Discipleship, which consist of having a consecrated walk with Christ. Yolanda is known for her great listening abilities, counseling different individuals dealing with challenging life situations. She stands on a firm foundation and is a no-nonsense type of person. Her dedication to the Lord is taken very seriously and she works hard at practicing what she preaches. She is called upon to minister at conferences and various churches. She believes in preaching the truth, which is The Word - not just grace. 


While in Pittsburgh she worked with Dorothy Day, a Christian non-profit organization, which assisted Single Parent Families with Life Skill Training and a job preparedness.  She was one of the Founders of “Be a Blessing Ministry”, which assisted Homeless Women in various ways. Upon her arrival to Ohio she obtained a Bachelors Degree in Accounting from Devry Institute of Technology in 1995. In 2012 she received a 2-year certificate in Biblical Counseling from Breakthrough Ministries. She serves as the Administrator for Discipleship and Coordinator for Ministers In Training. She is the co-leader of Membership Oversight Ministry and Intercessory Prayer Team. Also, Yolanda is a Child Advocate for Franklin County Children and Youth Services.


Minister Yolanda is often called upon by various leaders to assist in different aspects of ministry. She is well diverse in her teachings and training but never straying away from the fundamental biblical doctrine. She loves God and loves caring for His people. Her favorite scripture in the bible is Psalms 27, the Lord is her light and salvation …….  

Nobie Collier, Board Director

First and foremost, I love God and His people. Secondly my Goal is to be an aide in the growth of His Kingdom on this earth” Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” Mt 6:10. Our jobs are to unite and bring strength and stability to the body of Christ and not division. I have 3 core scriptures that I try hard to remember number one is Psalms 23: my Shepherd my guide; 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth; and finally John 14:12” Verily, verily, I say unto you He that believeth on me the works that I do also, and greater works than these shall he do, because I go to my Father. When you see me you should Christ.


I have been serving in the Body of Christ for some time, like David I’ve served wherever I was needed and did what needed to be done. At a young age, in my twenties, I knew God had called me to ministry so in a church basement I began my journey of Learning the Bible preaching technique and eventually embarking on the study of Greek and Hebrew. At present I am pursuing B.A in Theology and have already received my diploma in “Why We Believe What We Do”. I have a passion for prayer and I have had the privilege to be one of the leader for New Birth’s Prayer Ministry.


I’ve been involved with the Prison Ministry on both sides and have returned to set the captives free like Christ ‘Luke 4:18/ Isaiah 61:1*’. We also are fond of the youth. I’ve volunteered at camp meetings, shared the word with young adults, acted in the role of a counselor, giving Godly scripturally advice or just being a sounding board. I have been a deacon as well. I’ve even at one time was involved with Radio Ministry, I’ve been married now for 22 yrs to my beloved wife Marzella and we bring a vast experience to the marriage arena, we are familiar with blended families, divorce, separation, detachment and reconciliation. We believe that Christ can take broken things and use them for His Glory; and set His Favor upon us, through Jesus Christ our Savior.

Fred Jamison, Board Director

Frederick Jamison, M.A.C.M, M.B.A holds a Master of Christian Ministries from Ashland Theological Seminary School, as well as a Master of Business Administration with a specialization in Human Resources from Ashland University, along with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Columbia College of Missouri.  Minister Jamison is an original native of Syracuse, NY and presently resides in Columbus, Ohio with his wife Tamara. 


Minister Jamison has served as a “Minister In Training” under the Rock Worship Center/Church of God in Christ (COGIC) in Charlotte, NC, as well as the Co-Leader of Men’s Ministry (MIT) at New Beginnings Ministries in Charlotte, North Carolina.  Additional ministry experience includes providing leadership for Men’s Ministries/Security in Columbus, Ohio and Charlotte, North Carolina, which includes building a curriculum for Men’s Bible Study.


Minister Jamison currently works with ministry leaders to organize, strategize, and ultimately mobilize the needs of the small church community with God’s Remnant. He also serves in the evangelism ministry called S.W.A.T (Soul Winning Assurance Team), which includes ministering at the Homeless Shelter for men. He believes in faith in God and leadership of those who have been made to be “the least of these”.  


Mr. Frederick Jamison, MBA has a 15-year human resources background which includes experience in health and welfare benefits, leave management and client service/TPA services, which covers the strategic areas of private sector, client services/consultant and public sector.  His public sector experience includes roles with the Columbus City Schools (Columbus, OH)-Sr Benefits Analyst and Workers Compensation Analyst and The American Red Cross as a Human Resources Associate (Charlotte, NC).  My client services experience includes roles with several third-party benefit firms including Pomco Services, Gates McDonald and Aon Hewitt.

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